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Dura-Life™ Filter Bags Last 3x as Long on Sticky Wood Dust

​Donaldson® Torit® Dura-Life™ filter bags in this RFW dust collector handled even the sticky dust problem caused by the waxes and resins in the wood products.

Industry: Wood Pulp & Wood Products

Problem: Waxes & resins used to produce OSB (oriented strand board) plugged standard filter bags with sticky dust in only 4 to 6 weeks and caused high 6 - 7 ”wg pressure drop in the collector.

Solution: Donaldson® Torit® Dura-Life™ filter bags now perform effectively for the entire time between scheduled shutdowns (12 weeks) without extra pulsing, and at lower pressure drop.

The maintenance manager of this Oriented Strand Board (OSB) plant was skeptical of trying a new filter — despite the fact that his crew had to changeout filter bags monthly and perform extra pulse-cleaning cycles during downtime to try to extend filter life. 

He couldn’t believe any filter material was up the challenge of the sticky waxes & resins produced during the manufacture of OSB. He finally decided to test Dura-Life™ filter bags in one of his Donaldson® Torit® RFW baghouse dust collectors, as shown at left. 

Is he happy that he did? Yes! Now, the crew services the bags only during scheduled maintenance time, about every 3 months. Even better, they no longer need downtime cleaning to reduce pressure drop. The Dura-Life filters are running at a lower pressure drop with less pulsing, saving both fan energy and reducing compressed air costs.

“That the Dura-Life filter bags lasted twice as long and downtime pulsing was not required are strong factors for me. I now plan to use Dura-Life bags in all of our dust collectors.”

Project Statistics
Dust OSB Wood Dust (10-300 microns)
Application Saws-Shredding-Chipping
Collector 376RFW10
Sq. Ft. of Media 4,892
Airflow 37,000 cfm
Air-to-Media Ratio 7.5:1


Project Results
Bag Type Standard 16 oz. Polyester Bags
Bag Life 4-6 weeks
End Pressure Drop 6-7 "wg
Comments Downtime pulsing required

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